Welcome On Board

Hi all,

This is the official page for Raleigh Kuala Lumpur 2011 Annual General Meeting(AGM).

What is AGM ?
Raleigh Kuala Lumpur is an Non Government Organisation(NGO), registered under Registar Of Society(ROS), registration number 1212.

It is a must for Raleigh KL to hold an AGM once a year as soon as possible after the close of each financial year, before 30th June each year on a date and place set by the committee.

According to Raleigh KL Constitutions, during the AGM, we are to:
  1. Adopt the minutes previous AGM.
  2. To receive and adopt the report of the committee on activities of Raleigh KL during the previous year.
  3. To receive and adopt the report of Treasurer and the audited accounts of Raleigh KL during the previous year.
  4. To elect the members of Committee.
  5. To appoint Auditors
  6. To deal with other matters as may deemed fit by AGM.
~Please continue reading, I know this is starting to get boring~ 

In other words, AGM is a day where we will be meeting our Raleigh family members, get to know what Raleigh KL had done for the past term (2010/2011), and vote for the new term committee (2011/2012).

Hints from organiser-- This is a fun day you wouldn't like to miss out !

-Part Of AGM 2010-
Picture credits to Carrot Ho Chung Shin

Voters & Candidates

Who is eligible to contest for committee positions ?
  1. Must be present during Annual General Meeting 2011.
  2. He/she must have participated in a Raleigh International expedition.
  3. Should the above(item 2) is not fulfilled, he/she must be recommended by the current committee.
  4. Can be self nominated or nominated by another member during the AGM.
Who is eligible to vote for these people ?
  1. Must be present during Annual General Meeting 2011.
  2. Must be a paid member of Raleigh Kuala Lumpur.
So, what are you waiting for?  Sign up to be a member during any Raleigh KL's activities to participate in this annual historic day of Raleigh Kuala Lumpur!

Okay, okay, if you are not a paid member during the AGM, yes, you are still invited to witness the whole process!

Thanks !

Come on mate, say something !

It is unfair to only let candidates say something.  Thats why we want YOU, as part of Raleigh KL's extensive family, to express your thoughts and raise questions too!

Tell us your brilliant ideas !

Give us your two cents on our activities !

Or, ask us anything about Raleigh, Raleigh KL, and the exciting expeditions we have to offer !

Our heart spelled R.A.L.E.I.G.H, what about yours ?

Let us know through commenting to this post !

That's all ! Thanks !

Candidates: Tell us more about yourself !

As we mentioned before, if you are an ex-venturer and wish to contribute back to the community and to Raleigh KL, you can use this space to tell us more about yourself.

But before that, please drop us an email at
agm@raleighinternational.org.my (official email for Raleigh KL AGM 2011)

This is so that we can add you as author in this blog and give you the privilege to reach out to the potential voters through the power of written words !

We would love to know:
Part A (General personal information):
  1. Your personal details (Name & Age)
  2. General background (Career, education, youth service, etc) - This is completely optional.
  3. Your Raleigh background
  4. Anything about yourself (Strengths, Interest, Hobbies etc etc)
Part B (future plans for Raleigh)
  1. What makes your want to volunteer to become one of the committee of Raleigh KL.
  2. Ideas/Plans for Raleigh Kuala Lumpur?
*The post should be no longer than 500 words*

That's all !

A big thank you

What Does The Committee Do ?

For candidates, it is important to know what are the duties for each position that you run for. The same goes for voters, it is important to choose the right person for the right job.  Do not make this a popularity contest!  Malaysian Idol would be a better platform to do that.  Transparency and fairness is key.

This will be a long post and it is important ! !  So please bear with us.
We have 11 official positions in Raleigh KL. So according to Raleigh Constitutions Item 14,

14.1 The President shall:
14.1.1 During his or her term of office preside at all General Meetings and all
Committee Meetings and shall be responsible for the proper conduct of all such meetings;
14.1.2 Has a casting vote;
14.1.3 Sign the minutes of such meetings at the time they are approved; and
14.1.4 Be the representative of Raleigh KL when dealing with official matters relating to Raleigh International Trust and other Raleigh International Support Groups:

Provided always that in the absence of the President, the duties of the President shall be assumed by a member of the Committee elected by the Committee.

14.2 The Secretary I shall:
14.2.1 Conduct the business of Raleigh KL in accordance with the Constitution of Raleigh KL;
14.2.2 Carry out the instructions of the General Meeting and of the Committee;
14.2.3 Be responsible for all correspondence, the keeping of books, documents and papers of Raleigh KL except its accounts and financial records;
14.2.4 Attend all meetings and record the proceedings; and
14.2.5 Be responsible for all correspondence with the Registrar of Societies.

14.3 The Secretary II
shall be responsible for and maintain the membership register containing particulars such as name, date of registration, identity card number, age, profession, date and place of birth, name and address of employer, if any, and address and contact number of every member.

14.4 The Treasurer shall:
14.4.1 Be responsible for the finances of Raleigh KL;
14.4.2 Keep accounts of all financial transactions of Raleigh KL and be responsible for their correctness;
14.4.3 Receive fees, donations, sales of fundraising articles, and other cash transactions on behalf of Raleigh KL;
14.4.4 Issue printed official receipts for all money collected by Raleigh KL;
14.4.5 Meet all expenses and disbursements of Raleigh KL in accordance to Article 15;
14.4.6 Prepare the annual statement of accounts for audit purposes at the end of the Financial Year (as described in Article 15.5 herein);
14.4.7 Submit the audited accounts for adoption at the AGM;
14.4.8 Send reminders to defaulters of Raleigh KL; and
14.4.9 Generally, be responsible for all monies of Raleigh KL.

14.5 The Public Relations Officer shall:
14.5.1 Be responsible for all public relations matters of Raleigh KL including
recruitment drives for Introduction Weekends and public exhibitions/awareness campaigns; and
14.5.2 Ensure that there is ample material for public distribution and also for fundraising purposes.

14.6 The Logistics Officer shall:
14.6.1 Be responsible for all equipment of Raleigh KL; and
14.6.2 Keep an inventory list of all equipment of Raleigh KL and ensure that the movement of equipment are properly signed out and returned in good condition.

14.7 The Fundraising Officer shall:
14.7.1 Primarily, be responsible for obtaining corporate sponsorship for Venturers and Raleigh KL; and
14.7.2 Be responsible for coordinating fundraising efforts for Venturers.

14.8 The Introduction Weekend Officer shall:
14.8.1 Be responsible for coordinating and planning the execution of Introduction Weekends by the Introduction Weekend team formed specifically for running Introduction Weekends; and
14.8.2 Be responsible for advising and, when necessary, leading the entire Introduction Weekend team.

14.9 The Expeditions Officer
shall be responsible for all matters relating to Raleigh International expeditions including distributing the latest schedule of expeditions and liasing with Raleigh International Trust expedition desk officers to register Venturers for local or international Raleigh International expeditions.

14.10 The Projects Officer shall:
14.10.1 Be responsible for coordinating and advising the implementation of projects to be executed by a Project team formed specifically for each project and which is headed by a Project Coordinator; and
14.10.2 Liase with the Committee and Project Coordinator in carrying out his or her responsibilities.

14.11 The Special Skills Officer
shall be responsible for identifying and organising special skills sessions that are beneficial to members of Raleigh KL.

That is all, happy reading all these, and thanks for the time you guys spent to read these very important notes !