Voters & Candidates

Who is eligible to contest for committee positions ?
  1. Must be present during Annual General Meeting 2011.
  2. He/she must have participated in a Raleigh International expedition.
  3. Should the above(item 2) is not fulfilled, he/she must be recommended by the current committee.
  4. Can be self nominated or nominated by another member during the AGM.
Who is eligible to vote for these people ?
  1. Must be present during Annual General Meeting 2011.
  2. Must be a paid member of Raleigh Kuala Lumpur.
So, what are you waiting for?  Sign up to be a member during any Raleigh KL's activities to participate in this annual historic day of Raleigh Kuala Lumpur!

Okay, okay, if you are not a paid member during the AGM, yes, you are still invited to witness the whole process!

Thanks !

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