Candidates: Choo Geng Qian

Choo Geng Qian
IW: Dec 2007
Expedition: Borneo Summer 10D
Currently: working as Finance Analyst
Preferred committee role: Treasurer

Allow me to introduce a little bit about myself here,  Currently I’m the outgoing treasurer for Raleigh Committee term 2010/2011.

I have gained my Bachelor degree in Accounting and Finance from Sheffield Hallam University, after graduating from Tunku Abdul Rahman College with Advanced Diploma in Commerce (Management Accounting cum CIMA).  Currently, I’m working full time as a Finance Analyst in a Telco company and studying part time for professional accounting papers.

I consider myself a serious person, but am trying every way to make myself look not so serious, as I believe too serious will scare away people, and it is hard to communicate with people (especially strangers).  And hence, a boring blog post you are reading right now. Thousand apologies.  Please bear with me for a few more minutes

Having introduced my education and career background, yes, you can conclude that I’m an accounting person.  I am interested in money-related stuff as I believe that money, which goes on in your daily life, is something important to manage.   That is one of the reasons I wanted to become Treasurer in Raleigh KL.  I believe with my knowledge in accounting, I would be able to serve better.

For the coming term, I wish to compete in the same post I am currently holding – Treasurer.  I would rate my current term performance 6/10.  I admit that I did not carry out my responsibility that well as I would have expected due to some reasons.  I welcome any critiques on my current term performance and pledge for an opportunity to correct that in the new coming term. 

I am confident that I am a strong candidate in this Treasurer post, given the knowledge and experience I have.  Despite from that, Raleigh is my passion.  I have learnt so much more from the time I spent with Raleigh KL, and I believe, the learning process is never ending.  I am very grateful for chances and challenges I have, they make me a stronger person.  I wish to contribute to this organization, being a committee is one of the ways.  However, I would like to see myself in the post as to lead the organization further and better.

Please vote for me in this coming AGM as Treasurer.  Thank you very much.

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